this weekend i attempted to create the "chicago style deep dish pie" lifted from the pages of "cooks illustrated". i started friday night, but the recipe was a little confusing and what i thought was going to take 2 hours quickly started to look like four. i tossed the dough after the final butter lamination at 10.30pm and decided i wasn't hungry enough to wait up for this pizza.
with the sauce and dough pre-made i jumped back into the project last night. i took the two doughs out of the fridge, let them sit half and hour and warmed up my oven to the 425* that the recipe called for. i sliced up some mozzarella from live oak farm that i've been itching to use and tossed those babies in the oven.
low and behold they came out great. i think it might have been my best pizza ever. i'll be sure to bring a copy of it next time i visit the farm.
tonight i'll bring one of the two pizza's i made to the yoga-licious pot luck.
my next baking projects are going to be focused on getting myself ready for the
art-mart, i'll be selling bagels and loaves.
right now- i have to tackle my
talk 20 project.