Thursday, September 23, 2010

a pie crust

chelsea and pully. trash buddies. lovers of good food.

"I perfected my pie crust this weekend" my friend Chelsea exclaimed.

She shared the procedure with me, and here it is for you

1 cup flour
1/2 cup chilled butter
1/4 cup ice water

stick everything in the freezer for 20-30 minutes, remove and shape.

I usually use the pate sucree that I learned in Montana, but knowing Chelsea this will work well.

Fresh Ideas

An Elsewhere artist in residence came to the community table at the bcc this week. She was talking about a community exchange project that will take place right here in greensboro. Her objective is to bring people together from different pieces of the community to share with and learn from one another. It is my understanding that what is being shared can be of a wide range of things/emotions/skills but the idea is to create movement within the community. Unfortunately I misplaced her card, and cannot find her on the Elsewhere site.

I do remember her mentioning managing waffle shop project in Pittsburgh,Pa. Their site is definitely worth a look.

More to come...

samantha and jason

This is Samantha, she is my neighbor. She comes over for chats.
Samantha has kitty cat leukemia .
She never complains.

This is Jason. He is the garden intern.
He enjoys carft-brews, live music and short shorts (on himself).
Ladies, he's available.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

chestnut street.

kitchen, bedroom, and transportation.

photos from the farm.

farm photographs by ms. allie s

Friday, September 17, 2010

BCC Garden

a photo from behind a row of okra.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Factory Hog Farm Kick Off Meeting

Tonight I went to the first meeting of the Greensboro chapter of this nation campaign facilitated by Food and Water Watch. It was well organized and attended by some very passionate local justice minded folk.

Here's a blurb from the meeting announcement:

"In North Carolina, factory hog farms are dumping over 40 million gallons of untreated hog waste a day into unlined manure lagoons, as well as spraying the waste over fields within 75 feet of people's homes and schools. This toxic waste is destroying ecosystems and creating major health hazards for our fellow North Carolinians."

Check out their web-site if you get a chance and learn more about their campaign. Or if you have questions contact Cloe at


received just in time for a post baking shoot- my new pentax camera!

I finished two loaves of Pain a l'Ancienne- Rustic Ciabatta this morning. I used the cold-ferment process for this very wet dough (a method I prefer), and I'm quite pleased with the results.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Busy Bee

By 7.15 every morning I'm out the door. By 7.30 I'm in the garden, turning on our watering system and harvesting the days okra and peppers. There will be a greater variety of cultivars later this fall- but for now it's okra and peppers okra and peppers. I'm planting and prepping beds, talking to folks who pass by the garden and urging them to come in and work beside me.

Life's been busy and I'm doing less artisan baking and more subsistence cooking. Preserving pesto for the winter, making loads of hummus for lunches and pound after pound of granola.